De Zon rijst in het Westen (9e editie – 2019)

_______Farid Gabteni_______


The Sun Rises in the West

Le Soleil se lève à l’Occident

طلوع الشمس من مغربها

The Sun rises in the West (2019) / Le Soleil se lève à l’Occident (9ème édition – 2019) / (طلوع الشمس من مغربها (2019

The Sun Rises in the West by Farid Gabteni is published in two volumes: Science for the Hour and Programmed Coincidence. Each of the volumes features a preface by a doctor in history and philosophy of science, the first by Doctor Fouzia Madani and the second by Doctor Ismaël Omarjee.
This scientific treatise, extended to all Quranic Readings, is a pathbreaking masterpiece and constitutes a rigorous and irrefutable argument against obscurantism. It restores likewise the original Message of Islam to both Muslims and non-Muslims.
Science, conscience, peace and tolerance: these are the Quran’s and of Islam’s form and content, masterly exposed by the author of the book, through an applied and demonstrative study.

Publiée par The Sun Rises in the West


Volume 1:
Science for the Hour

Tome 1 :
Science pour l’Heure

المجلد الأول :
علم للساعة

Volume 2:
Programmed Coincidence

Tome 2 :
Le Hasard Programmé

المجلد الثاني :
الصدفة المنظمة


Tome 3 :
Au Coeur du Qorân


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: متاح في متجر الكتب "The Sun Rises in the West" 9th edition available in "The Sun Rises in the West" 9th edition available in
"The Sun Rises in the West" 9th edition available in "The Sun Rises in the West" 9th edition available in "Le Soleil se lève à l'Occident" 7ème édition disponible sur "Le Soleil se lève à l'Occident" 7ème édition disponible sur "The Sun Rises in the West" 9th edition available in "The Sun Rises in the West" 9th edition available in
"The Sun Rises in the West" 9th edition available in "The Sun Rises in the West" 9th edition available in

Vereniging voor het Behoud en de Verspreiding van het Werk van Farid Gabteni